Fear, It's in Us All

Inspiration behind the video:   A Reminder that we all have fear but we cannot choose to do nothing about it.  Must take action to dispel the fear.

Why is this important?:   Courage is only built through action.  Therefore you can't wait until you are scared to summon it.  By taking action every day you build the courage you will need throughout your life.

What should you do next?:   Take action.  You must do the thing you are scared of.  If you have fear of flying get on a plane.  If you fear speaking in public go speak in public.  If you have no fear then continuing taking action every day.  Do not settle.

Fear, It's in Us All

The Lyrics


Is it in you?

Are you afraid to admit it?

Let's talk about it



It's in us all

It is to courage 

Like big to small


You must admit

A guilty verdict

You can't acquit


You may talk big

Think you're the man

Behind closed doors

You show your hand


The truth comes out

The beads of sweat

The nervous twitch

You can't correct


If you're lucky

It rarely shows

Depending on 

How good life goes


But when it comes

What will you do

Choose nothing

Then shame on you


The better choice

Dispel the fear

Summon courage

That should be there

Courage built

And stored by you

From the actions

That you do




It's in us all

It is to courage

Like big to small


You must admit

A guilt verdict

You can't acquit


You must take action

Every day

Since fear can come

On any day


Do not wait

Since life has shown

You will be challenged

By what's unknown


Yet it is known

And fully certain

You can be strong

And full of courage


You're Reminded

Take control

Be intentional

Assume your role


You're the builder

Go build the wall

With heightened courage

No fear at all


And if you fall

You still can win

You have the courage

To try again





It's in us all

It is to courage

Like big to small


You must admit

A guilt verdict

You can't acquit



It's in us all

It is to courage

Like big to small


You must admit

A guilt verdict

You can't acquit




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